Friday, October 5, 2012

Blogging ...again

This is my first time I'm blogging since 2008. I woke up about two hours ago due to jet lag (I arrived in Bangkok less than a week ago for a conference). I won't bother trying to fix this; I'm flying back to the US in less than 30 hrs.
I used to blog regularly during my last year of college, producing almost a hundred posts back then. Unfortunately, the combination of my increasingly busy schedule and probably the fact that I set the bar a bit too high for the quality of my blog (yeah, you many bloggers out there I tried to hard to be philosophical + inspiring..trying hard to sound "educated") gradually killed this activity. Blogging just took too much time than I could afford. Now, I think it is a perfect time to bring it back to life..not that I'm less busy..I'm just less concerned about its I have more opinions about things.
One of the most valuable lessons I learned over the past few years was that, in many scenarios, one should focus on quantity before focusing quality. I found that this is the case for creative tasks with poorly defined criteria about what is "good" or "bad." Since quality is subjective anyway, I think it is not a very idea to spend too much resources perfecting it ..especially in an early phase. I think we would rather focus on quantity ...yes.. just make a whole lot of them!... my analogy is this: if you have to shoot in the dark, don't spend too much time aiming.. just keep shooting ..shooting a lot. Some of those might already hit the target..or near the target. In short, I'm just trying to say that from now I will blog regularly ..again.
Yes, I'm pretty busy I will try to spend less than 15-20 min on each blog.
Yes, many of them gotta be crappy and sound like they were written by a ten year old or a drunken man.
...but I will blog anyway

P.S. I named this blog "Only Opinions" to emphasize that everything I write from now are only my opinions..which are emerged from my incomplete knowledge about the world. I may know about something more that you do...but I will NOT claim that I'm an expert on anything.

3.30 am, 6 Oct 2012, @ Bangkok Thailand.

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